周轩弛,男,博士,讲师,主要从事关联电子材料与器件、信息存储材料与器件的研究工作,担任本科生专业主干课《材料科学基础》和博士(硕士)研究生专业基础课《材料艺术》教学工作。目前以第一作者或通讯作者在Adv. Funct. Mater. (2),J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,Appl. Phys. Lett. (2),J. Phys. Chem. C,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,Ceram. Int.等国际知名学术期刊上发表多篇研究论文,并受邀以第一作者兼通讯作者在Adv. Funct. Mater.和《物理学报》期刊上撰写长篇综述论文,所发表论文多次被期刊编辑选为Featured Articles,授权国家发明专利3项,作为项目负责人主持山西省基础研究计划项目、天津市重点实验室开放课题重点项目,参与科技部国家重点研发计划项目及课题、国家自然科学基金委重点/重大仪器研制等多项国家级重大科研项目,多次在中国材料大会、全国青年材料科学技术研讨会等由中国材料研究学会、中国物理学会、中国仪器仪表学会主办的国内外重要学术会议上做邀请报告,担任多个国际主流学术期刊审稿人。
2023年9月-至今 山西师范大学,化学与材料科学学院、材料科学研究院,讲师;
2019年9月-2023年9月 北京科技大学,材料科学与工程,博士(硕博连读),师从姜勇教授;
2015年9月-2019年6月 湘潭大学,材料科学与工程,学士;
1. 强关联氧化物磁电输运特性多场调控与新奇物性探索;
2. 强关联电子相变氧化物材料与敏感电阻器件;
3. 氧化物自旋电子学材料与器件;
4. 复杂体系的强关联效应研究
[1] Zhou, X.; Li, H.; Jiao, Y.; Zhou, G.; Ji, H.; Jiang, Y.; Xu, X., Hydrogen-Associated Multiple Electronic Phase Transitions for d-Orbital Transitional Metal Oxides: Progress, Application, and Beyond. Adv. Funct. Mater.,2024, 34, 2316536.(第一作者兼共同通讯作者)
[2] Zhou, X.; Mao, W.; Cui, Y.; Zhang, H.; Liu, Q.; Nie, K.; Xu, X.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, N.; Chen, J., Multiple Electronic Phase Transitions of NiO via Manipulating the NiO6 Octahedron and Valence Control. Adv. Funct. Mater.,2023, 33 (36), 2303416.
[3] Zhou, X.; Li, H.; Meng, F.; Mao, W.; Wang, J.; Jiang, Y.; Fukutani, K.; Wilde, M.; Fugetsu, B.; Sakata, I.; Chen, N.; Chen, J., Revealing the Role of Hydrogen in Electron-Doping Mottronics for Strongly Correlated Vanadium Dioxide. J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,2022, 13 (34), 8078-8085. (第一作者)
[4] Zhou, X.; Jiao, Y.; Li, H., Manipulating the metal-insulator transitions and thermoelectric bi-functionality for correlated vanadium dioxide pellets. Appl. Phys. Lett.,2024, 125, 4. (第一作者兼独立通讯作者)
[5] Zhou, X.; Shang, Y.; Gu, Z.; Jiang, G.; Ozawa, T.; Mao, W.; Fukutani, K.; Matsuzaki, H.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, N.; Chen, J., Revealing the role of high-valence elementary substitution in the hydrogen-induced Mottronic transitions of vanadium dioxide.,Appl. Phys. Lett.,2024, 124 (8), 082103. (第一作者)
[6] Zhou, X.; Cui, Y.; Shang, Y.; Li, H.; Wang, J.; Meng, Y.; Xu, X.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, N.; Chen, J., Non-equilibrium Spark Plasma Reactive Doping Enables Highly Adjustable Metal-to-Insulator Transitions and Improved Mechanical Stability for VO2. J. Phys. Chem. C,2023, 127 (5), 2639-2647. (第一作者)
[7] Zhou, X.; Li, H.; Shang, Y.; Meng, F.; Li, Z.; Meng, K.; Wu, Y.; Xu, X.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, N.; Chen, J., Manipulating the metal-to-insulator transitions of VO2 by combining compositing and doping strategies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2023, 25 (33), 21908-21915. (第一作者)(Featured article)
[8] Zhou, X.; Wu, Y.; Yan, F.; Zhang, T.; Ke, X.; Meng, K.; Xu, X.; Li, Z.; Miao, J.; Chen, J.; Jiang, Y., Revealing the high sensitivity in the metal to insulator transition properties of the pulsed laser deposited VO2 thin films. Ceram. Int.,2021, 47 (18), 25574-25579. (第一作者)
[9] Zhou, X.; Li, H., Research on the electronic phase transitions in strongly correlated oxides and multi-field regulation. Acta Phys. Sin.,2024, 73, 11, 117102.
(第一作者兼独立通讯作者)(Editor’s pick)
[10] Li, H.; Meng, F.; Bian, Y.; Zhou, X.; Wang, J.; Xu, X.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, N.; Chen, J. Frequency regulation in alternation-current transports across metal to insulator transitions of thin film correlated perovskite nickelates. J. Mater. Sci. Technol.,2023, 148, 235-241
[11] Li, H.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, H.; Fang, X.; Zhou, X.; Nie, K.; Xu, X.; Jiang, Y.; Chen, N.; Chen, J. Overlooked role associated with the active-site density in perovskite nickelates to the anisotropic catalytic activities for water splitting. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2022, 121 (25).
[12] Ji, H.; Liu, X.; Li, Z.; Jiao, Y.; Ren, G.; Dou, J.; Zhou, X.; Zhou, G.; Chen, J.; Xu, X. The different types of magnetic coupling achieved via dimensionality control of interfacial charge transfer in cobaltite-cuprate superlattices. J. Alloys Compd.,2024, 979, 173489.
[13] Ji, H.; Wang, S.; Zhou, G.; Zhou, X.; Dou, J.; Kang, P.; Chen, J.; Xu, X. Highly efficient and fast modulation of magnetic coupling interaction in the SrCoO2.5/La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 heterostructure. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2024, 26 (7), 5907-5913
[14] 陈吉堃, 周轩弛, 张秀兰, 姜勇; 一种高强度高稳定性氧化钒电子相变复合陶瓷制备方法, 发明专利, 已授权, ZL202210082967.3.
[15] 陈吉堃,周轩弛,姜勇;一种有机无机复合型钒氧化合物电子相变材料的制备方法, 发明专利, 已授权, ZL202210599718.1.